
Vacation is Beneficial for a Student’s Health

8 in 10 college students experience high levels of stress.

We try our best to balance it all but sometimes it’s too much and we need more than one mental health day. What we really need is a vacation.

Vacations are beneficial to a student’s mental and physical health. Yes, we think of college students on vacation trash the beaches and drink themselves into bad health but, sometimes students just want to relax.

Us Americans work too hard and don’t give ourselves vacation time to forget about the stress.

Workers don’t want to take a break, they want the money, they want to get things done.

39% of executives think their employees do better if they take more vacation days.

Basically your boss is telling you that it’s okay to enjoy yourself.

Taking vacation days helps the body as well as a student’s mentality.

If you’re stressed and tired your body is prone to becoming ill. Your sleep is effected as well as food digestion. Mentally students become depressed and anxious. Memory becomes worsened and people make poorer decisions.

Student Bethany Squires explained that over this Spring Break she is going to travel with her grandparents to Florida. Just her and her grandparents, no friends, no other family. Just alone time, in which she gets to relax and enjoy herself.  She did this the previous year and plans on making it a tradition.

Do we get a real break if still have assignments to work on?

Due to the anxiety of  having assignments over break, students drink the stress away and put their work off until the day before they return. Then their assignments are rushed and not well thought out.

I am a junior in college and have had only one break where I was actually relaxed and stress free.

Over Thanksgiving break I took off of work and decided to not work at home for once. I was so relaxed. All I did was sleep and eat food, and that’s all I wanted to do. I didn’t think about school, I didn’t think about work, and I caught up on sleep. It was beneficial for my mental health to just forget about my school stress for a week.

If I could do this over every break, I would, but schoolwork and money come into play and I have to work and get my assignments done.

So, take those vacation days, enjoy yourself. We work too hard to say we don’t deserve this time. After all, we are all human and we can only handle so much.

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